KarenCrowd introduction
KarenCrowd introduction: KarenCrowd is a crowdfunding platform that offers a variety of services to businesses, including fundraising with...
“Karen Crowd” was recognized as the best broker of Fanbazaar in Iran
Karen's financing and investment system was recognized as the best broker (intermediary company in the field of providing specialized financial...
KarenCrowd reached the second place in Iran’s national Fanbazar network
Based on article 14 of the regulation of the establishment and management of Iran's national Fanbazar network, KarenCrowd crowdfunding platform...
The speed of businesses has exceeded the regulation
laws must be updated with these changes because the speed of businesses has exceeded the...
KarenCrowd introduction
KarenCrowd introduction: KarenCrowd is a crowdfunding platform that offers a variety of services to...
“Karen Crowd” was recognized as the best broker of Fanbazaar in Iran
Karen's financing and investment system was recognized as the best broker (intermediary company in...
KarenCrowd reached the second place in Iran’s national Fanbazar network
Based on article 14 of the regulation of the establishment and management of Iran's national...
The speed of businesses has exceeded the regulation
laws must be updated with these changes because the speed of businesses has exceeded the...