According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on March 1, 2025, the Social Security Organization is obliged to include internet taxi drivers who do not have pension insurance under its regulations and obligations. Therefore, internet taxi drivers can use social security services by paying their insurance premiums.
According to Ideaagency, in this resolution, a percentage of the income share of the platform owners should be paid to the authorized social security organization in accordance with the agreement with the owners of the internet platforms and the declaration of consent of the insured, instead of the per capita insurance premium. In this case, the amount received from the platform owners will be deducted from the relevant insurance premium.
In order to identify the beneficiaries of this resolution, the Ministry of Interior must provide the social security organization with access to the necessary information of the beneficiaries, and the owners of the internet platforms must also cooperate with this organization to identify and verify the employment of the beneficiaries.
This resolution was drafted based on clause (c) of article 28 of the 7th five-year development plan law, which allows freight and passenger transport service providers active on internet platforms who do not have pension insurance to insure themselves with the social security organization.
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