Yesterday, many stock media and Telegram channels announced that the shares of Sarava company in Digikala were sold to Hamrahe Aval. This news led to an increase in the price of Hamrahe Aval in the Tehran stock market.
According to Iran digitl economy annotation, after the news was published, Hamid Mohammadi, the co-founder and former CEO of Digikala, announced on his Twitter that they have negotiated with various investors, including Hamrahe Aval, to attract capital, but no shares have been sold yet.
Now, apparently, the Securities and Exchange Organization has also become sensitive to the issue and has requested an explanation from Hamrahe Aval.
Mehdi Akhavan Behabadi, the CEO of Hamrahe Aval, today, in a letter to the Department of Supervision of Publishers of the Financial and Services Group of the Securities and Exchange Organization, which is included in the code of the mobile symbol, has provided explanations regarding the rumors of the previous day.
In this letter, it is stated: “following the rumors raised in the cyber space regarding the purchase of Digikala Group shares and also the follow-ups of that respectable organization in this regard, it reminds the respectable shareholders of negotiations in the form of investment for the entry of one of the subsidiary companies of Hamrahe Aval(First Movement Startup Business Company) to Digikala is in progress and the matter is being negotiated, so far the final result has not been reached and no contract has been concluded. It is necessary to explain that as soon as the result is reached and the contract is concluded in this regard, in accordance with Article 13 of the executive directive on disclosure of information of companies registered with the stock exchange organization, the matter will be notified to the respected shareholders through the Codal system.
Despite the publication of this letter by Hamrahe Aval, the news that Digikala was sold to the first company continues to spread on Telegram channels!
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